Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday Night Lights

Our Friday night is starting to wind down. We're in the third period of the Finland - Norway hockey game. It's a bit one sided  but I won't say which way incase there are some secret Nordic hockey fans back home. 

We did run into some shifty but familiar characters today. 

This is the second Olympic park the four of us have visited but only the first Olympics. It's always a blast hanging out with the Gamoba's and nice to see friends so far from home. 

Our Friday was once again full of adventure and Olympic fun times. We picked up tickets to an extra curling draw so we watched all three draws. We also got access to the NBC lounge and had some delicious food for lunch before meeting up with Matt and Jen. That's where we saw Poots. 

Tomorrow we're off to more curling and two new events, Short Track and regular Speed Skating. We've packed in so much stuff it seems like we've been here much longer than 5 days but in the best way possible. 

Soon we will start the familiar mile walk back to our bus. Until tomorrow, good night from Sochi. 

Also, still no gulag. Woot!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you are having a great time. Love to you and Chris and Matt and Jen..
